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Tennessee Career Center - Knoxville, Where People and Jobs Connect

Ticket to Work

Ticket To Work

Persons with disabilities receive quality career assistance from Workforce Connections through the American Job Center (AJC). Support services such as training referrals, career counseling and more are available to assist the job seeker obtain, regain, or maintain gainful employment within the community. Workforce Connections is recognized by the Social Security Administration as an employment network for participants in the Ticket to Work program. Our employment network provides stellar services such as job accommodations, job placement, ongoing employment support, employment retention services and career planning. Persons with hearing, visual, or mental impairments are served as well as other impairments. If you are currently or recently approved for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Social Security Insurance (SSI) and are ready to discover a meaningful career that will result in gainful employment, please contact our Disability Resource Coordinator at 865-594-6930 or email at [email protected]

Ticket to work authorized provider